Are you looking for no prep, developmentally appropriate Christmas activities for kids?
We have 6 printable winter holiday themed activities up on the Earlybird platform. Join us for these and over 160 other evidence based activities starting at $6 a month.
Not a member yet? That's okay! You can head to to our shop and grab these as a Winter Holiday Themed Activity pack.
What's included:
- 5 festive pointillism art activities to teach your child new holiday related vocabulary and build their fine motor skills
- A sticker Christmas tree activity that a child a unique sensory experience while building their hand-eye coordination
- A Santa scissor skill activity to build hand strength and scissors skills
- 3 threading cards to improve pincher grasp and bilateral coordination
- A gingerbread emotions activity with 24 emotion cards to help children learn to identify feelings in themselves and others
- 3 color by number winter animals to improve a child's number recognition, color identification and matching skills
Like all the activities on the Earlybird platform, each resource explains what developmental skills the activity will build in your child. So this holiday season get children playing AND learning with these easy, no prep activities.