Renee Jordan describing about Bright Futures course in a video.
PArenting workshop

Communication and Pre-Reading Skills

Do you wish your child could communicate their thoughts better (and tantrums less)? This workshop will teach you how to build your child’s early language and reading skills so that they have the vocabulary to express themselves, and have the letter/word basics for when it comes time to learn to read.

44 mins
15 Lessons
Enroll Now - $34

Who's this for?

Our workshops are designed for ALL parents. It’s important for you to know a little bit about what is going on in your child’s brain, and how simple things like how you talk, read or sing to your child has the power to make them rockstar readers and communicators.

This workshop will be a game changer if:

You want to make sure your child has the language they need to be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings with others.

You want to make sure your child is set up to be successful once they learn to read and want to avoid them struggling in school.

You struggled with reading as a kid and want a different future for your child.

Your child doesn’t have as many words as they should for their age and you want to support them at home in building their language skills.

Your child has a diagnosed speech or language delay or disability and you would like to supplement the intervention they’re getting to ensure they are set up to be as successful as possible.

What you'll learn:

Why early literacy really matters

What you can do with your babies, right from birth, to help them be stronger readers and writers later

What skills your kid needs now so they don’t have trouble learning to read or write

Playful ideas, toy recommendations, and everyday strategies to build a kid's literacy skills

Register for the Workshop
A young woman teaching numbers to her daughter with the help of some number cards.

Learning with Earlybird

Even a basic understanding of early childhood development will help to make your parental journey feel less overwhelming and more enjoyable.


We’ve packed a lot into these lessons because we know how busy you are. So do as much (or as little) at a pace that works for you.


Make real progress by learning and doing with your kids. We include PDF downloads of low-prep activities and shopping lists of our favorite books and materials.


We’re parents too. But Renee Jordan is also a teacher and studied educational psychology at Columbia University. Everything she teaches is evidence-based...

Hear it from them :)

"I now understand why and how certain activities can help shape my son's development (even from a young age). I've gained the confidence to parent with more intention and highly recommend this workshop.”

Kimberly R.

"The social stories are going to help us so much!! So many of our struggles stem from stalling or not so fun behaviours to avoid doing what is asked of them. Implementing this immediately!"


"I found this so helpful with tips for my kiddo with Autism, and the play-based skill development is so approachable even for kids with different needs."


Teach kids how to communicate and become strong readers



9 video lessons
30 minutes of content
Low-prep activities + shopping lists
Lifetime access to the workshop

Enroll Now
Renée Jordan holding her two kids.

Meet Renee Jordan

Hi, I’m Renee, one of the founders of Earlybird. I am a mother, teacher, and curriculum designer with a Masters in educational psychology from Columbia University.

I have worked with families across North America, conducting learning assessments and devising learning plans. I have seen firsthand how many children are starting school behind in core developmental domains, and I know this doesn’t need to happen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What ages is this workshop appropriate for?
Does this workshop give me access to the Earlybird Activity Library?
Do you offer refunds?

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